Thursday, April 30, 2015

[iOS]Appledoc Shell Script Example

It's very easy to generate objc documentation for you with AppleDoc, here are the steps to setup in Xcode:

  1. Select you project name
  2. Try add add a target, and in the popped window select iOS > Other > Aggregate to create target named PROJECTDocs
  3. Then select new added target, to add "New Run Script Shell" to add the script like the below:
    export HOMEDIR=`pwd`
    echo "Generating AppleDocs!"
    echo "Current directory is $HOMEDIR"
    /usr/local/bin/appledoc \
    --project-name "$PROJECT_NAME" \
    --project-company "Company, Inc." \
    --company-id "" \
    --output "${HOMEDIR}/build_products/" \
    --logformat xcode \
    --keep-undocumented-objects \
    --keep-undocumented-members \
    --keep-intermediate-files \
    --no-repeat-first-par \
    --no-warn-invalid-crossref \
    --ignore "*.m" \
    --ignore "*Private.h" \